Boas vindas - Welcome

Sejam bem vindos ao meu cantinho de arte. Quero dividir aqui minha paixão pelas cores. Sou uma mulher que gosta de coisas de menina portanto pink pink pink e a minha cor favorita, mas também gosto de azul, muiiitoo azul!! Creio que as cores podem nos proporcionar diversas sensações. Alegria, calmaria, paz etc.

Welcome to my art corner. I wanna share here my passion for colors. I am a woman who likes girlie things, therefore pink pink pink is my favorite color but I also like blue, lotssss of blue! I believe that colors can give us many sensations. Happiness, calmness, peace etc.


Sorteio!!! GiveAway!!

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012

Colorful Flowers and Swirls - inspired by Robin Moses

This nail art was inspired by Robin Moses. I am a big fan of her art and this is my humble attempt on "copying" something from her. If you click on her name it will take you straight to her you tube video where you can see her original art.
I had lots of fun doing it and I hope you all like it too. =)

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